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samedi 2 juin 2018

What is the most important vitamin for the face and how to get it?

What is the most important vitamin for the face and how to get it?

What is the most important vitamin for the face and how to get it?

The skin needs nutrients and vitamins to become brighter and fresh, but what is the most important vitamin for the face and how to get it from food away from complex medical preparations?
There are many nutrients the body needs to get a glowing healthy skin. A diet rich in vitamin C and antioxidants helps fight the damage of free radicals and protects against ultraviolet rays. Proanthocyanins are effective antioxidants that protect the body and skin from damage to free radicals. These can be found in cranberries, cherries and green tea, as well as foods rich in lycopene, such as tomatoes, melons and sweet potatoes, while reducing redness of the skin.

- Here are some types of vitamin for the face also useful for the skin:

What is the most important vitamin for the face and how to get it?

- Vitamin A, C, E, zinc and selenium, enhance the immune system and reduce bacterial infections.

- Vitamin A is a facial vitamin found in fish, egg yolk, viscera and cod liver oil.

- Vitamin C is a face vitamin found in guava, orange juice, sweet peppers and Brussels sprouts.

 -Vitamin E is a facial vitamin found in wheat germ oil, almonds, soybean oil and walnuts.

- Zinc-rich foods include oysters, sesame seeds, beef slices and crabs.

- Selenium-rich foods include Brazilian nuts, oysters, shrimp, white fish and whole wheat bread.

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