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vendredi 1 juin 2018

Be beautiful without makeup ..!

                                                  Be beautiful without makeup ..!
Be beautiful without makeup ..!

Many women opt for natural beauty away from cosmetics and makeup in their daily lives, and events that may occur, so many resort to care for their skin to be beautiful and fresh without makeup:

Drink plenty of water

The first step of skin care is to drink plenty of water, water is essential to moisturize the skin and protect against dehydration. Water also helps to purify the skin and detoxify the body. No makeup can compensate for the lack of water for the skin.


Attention to moisturizing and nourishing the skin, works to prevent the appearance of wrinkles effectively. Use moisturizers on the skin of the face and neck, as well as the hands and feet. These are the first areas of signs of aging.

Face wash

Use facial lotion daily to remove dirt and impurities in the skin, and also help get rid of makeup residue. Washing the face daily in the morning, and the other before going to sleep, helps to lighten the pores and revitalize the skin.

The tuner

The use of toner is an essential part of the skin care routine. Many women may overlook the benefits of toner for the skin, but toner plays a key role in tightening the skin, closing pores, and removing excess oils in skin cells.

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