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vendredi 8 juin 2018

7 skin scrub mistakes that lead the skin

                         7 skin scrub mistakes that lead the skin 

7 skin scrub mistakes that lead the skin

Facial peeling is one of the most necessary steps in the skin care routine. It removes the impurities and all the problems it faces and gives it a special glow by thoroughly cleansing it.
To get a bright complexion, it is necessary to stay away from some mistakes that are made while peeling face, which we list most prominent in this subject
  • Peel on dry skin
Peeling without moisturizing the skin with water will cause it to be scratched and redened after finishing, so moisturize the skin first with lukewarm water and then use the peeling gently in the form of circular movements.
  • Do not moisturize the face as it should
Moisturizing the face deeply cleanses the surface of the skin and eliminates the layer of natural oils, so drying and moisturizing should not be neglected to protect the skin from dehydration and inflammation.
  • Excessive facial peeling
Peeling helps remove dead skin layers and impurities, but over-doing it daily harms the skin and makes it more sensitive to the various external factors and causes skin ulcers to appear and damage them. Therefore, it is sufficient to do facial peeling twice a week.
  • Peel the skin violently
This can damage the skin and expose it to inflammation. Some ingredients in skin scrubs may be strong enough to negatively affect skin health.
  • Use peeled with a strong composition
One of the most common mistakes that are usually made; hence, the desired peeler must be chosen carefully because some types of peels are harsh on the skin.
  • Use cold water or hot water
When peeling or cleansing the skin, it is recommended to use lukewarm water so that the skin is not exposed to dryness and inflammation, and avoid cold or hot water.
  • Exposure to sunlight
Exposure to the sun is one of the most common mistakes that occur, as peeling the face during the day and then exposure to hot rays can damage the skin because they are very sensitive after peeling.

These 7 errors need to be avoided as much as possible, with a specialist being consulted and avoiding facial peeling anywhere without confirming the materials used in the procedure.

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