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samedi 2 juin 2018

Get a natural bronze skin for the summer

Get a natural bronze skin for the summer

Natural tanning for summer skin

The summer began, with bold, extravagant looks, and it was time to find a suitable way to tan the skin, especially as the bronze skin was still on the throne of fashion. If you spend a lot of money on tanning creams, it's time to replace this method in a natural way that gives you a bronze complexion without any Damage.
It is true that the bronze color is attractive, but many dermatologists warn of tanning sessions, which depend on sitting directly under the sun, because the sun not only affects skin color, sends harmful rays causing the appearance of wrinkles, Studies have shown that ultraviolet radiation is a major cause of skin cancer.

Natural tanning for summer skin

Tanning creams, which are used as makeup products, can not be applied to the entire body, and therefore will not give you the desired result, so you can rely on natural nailing cream; give you a bronze skin without exposure to sunlight or harmful creams.

Ingredients of Tanning Cream:

  •  4 bags of black tea.
  •  lotion cream.

How to use:

 - Bring a cup of water, raise the fire until boiling, then add tea bags, and continue to fire for 5   minutes, until the water turns to dark color, and then lifted from the fire until it calms down a bit,   here the bags are still.
- Mix 1 cup of moisturizing cream, with 1/2 cup of black tea prepared, and now the cream is ready   for use.

- If you need more natural tan, you can add a tablespoon of raw cocoa, on the previous cream preparation, this addition gives you a bronze skin, and cocoa contains antioxidants fighting wrinkles.  
- It is true that the former cream is natural, and does not contain any compounds that may be harmful to the skin, but the advice of skin care experts is always the experience of any new product on a small area of ​​the skin, and wait a little to monitor its effect; if any redness or irritation of the skin; The product is not suitable for your skin, and its components must be replaced by your skin.

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