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vendredi 1 juin 2018

How to fix broken powder and dry mascara?

                                      How to fix broken powder and dry mascara? !!

Face powder, blush, or even eye shadow. When their boxes fall off they become unusable, even if they are new, we will give you a few steps to repair what is inside and use these boxes:

• Collect the broken powder using wooden toothpicks, then place in a small container.

• Add a few drops of alcohol to the pot containing the powder.

• Mix all ingredients until the mixture is cooked.

• Put the putty in the powder case, then mix the mixture evenly with the knife, then leave it aside to dry alone.

• If your mascara is dry and does not last for 6 months, then dunk the mascara in hot water for two or three minutes and then remove it from the water. You will find that the mascara has returned to normal and ready for use again.

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