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vendredi 1 juin 2018

The best way to clean mixed skin in the summer

                      The best way to clean mixed skin in the summer 
The best way to clean mixed skin in the summer

Skin needs a lot of attention to it, especially in the summer, because of its different composition, as the skin is greasy in some areas, and dry in other areas, so prefer to clean them constantly to get rid of dust,

Fatty, this has more than one way to clean the mixed skin, until it becomes soft and free of impurities.

Apple cider  vinegar

The best way to clean mixed skin in the summer

After rinsing your face with water and your lotion, stay in some place with your skin some dirt and bachelor.

Mix a tablespoon of vinegar, with 2 cups of water, and wash your face with them. Repeat this process whenever you feel that your skin needs to remove the dirt that is sticking to it, as it works to reduce bacteria

Milk powder
The best way to clean mixed skin in the summer

Mix the powder milk with a little water, until the mixture becomes

Thick, put it on your face to dry, then rinse your face with cold water.

Repeat this process twice a week or three times, to remove the impurities attached to your skin, and the powder milk gives you smoothness and vitality.

Lemon and olive oil
The best way to clean mixed skin in the summer

Mix 1 lemon juice,  1/4 cup olive oil, and marry

Mix on your skin, rinse thoroughly, leave mixture for 15 minutes, then rinse your face well and gently, with lukewarm water.

Repeat twice a week. Lemon helps kill bacteria and eliminate impurities, while olive oil gives you a moist, smooth skin.

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