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vendredi 1 juin 2018

Honey recipe for lightening hair

Honey recipe for lightening hair

Honey recipe for lightening hair

As we know that honey benefits many and varied, but did you hear about the recipe honey to lighten hair color ??

Yes dear, it's a wonderful recipe, tested and guaranteed, away from chemical dyes that hurt your hair and cause damage to it.

Description components:

1  large spoon honey
2  cups warm water


First: Mix the honey spoon with a glass of warm water, leave the mixture for 30 minutes, then stir it again

Second: Using a brush Put the mixture on your hair until you get your hair well
Third: Choose a sunny place and sit in it for 20 minutes after your hair is covered with a plastic bag.

Fourth: Wash your hair and brush with lukewarm water, or you can leave the mixture on your hair for a larger lightening and washing the next day.

If you do not like the result, you can repeat the previous steps, but increase the honey to three or four tablespoons and replace the warm water with the normal conditioner you use.

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