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vendredi 1 juin 2018

Red Watermelon Masks ... How to keep your skin moist

                                  Red Watermelon Masks ... How to keep your skin moist

Red Watermelon Masks ... How to keep your skin moist

Red watermelon is good for skin problems. It is rich in vitamins A, B and C, vitamins that maintain skin moisture and make skin fresh. Its non-greasy oil helps to renew skin elasticity, prevents dryness, and is used as massage oil.
The watermelon seed oil is not without interest. It helps the body get Omega-6 and Omega-9 essential for the skin, oils that have a high absorption capacity that penetrate the skin easily.
The benefits of melon are not limited to eating only, but to the external care of the skin. Here's my lady some masks of watermelon for fresh skin.

Watermelon Toner

You will need one cup of melon pieces, two large tablespoons of hazelnuts and two tablespoons of water. Put the melon pieces in the blender, then pour the liquid, add the hazelnuts and water. Put this mixture on your face using cotton balls.
This mixture is rich in sugar and vitamins such as A and B, and has strong holding properties, and gives the skin freshness and cleanliness.

Homemade peeled

Pour a cup of watermelon into a cube. Put this paste on your face, relax for 10 minutes, then wash your face. It is a natural cosmetic process that helps to cleanse and tighten the skin.

For dry skin

Pour a glass of watermelon with banana fruit. The benefits of bananas are similar to melons in their effects on the skin.

For oily skin

Yoghurt and watermelon are a wonderful mixture of oily skin, by placing it on the skin and helps it in the process of peeling. The lactic acid is characterized by its amazing effect on the skin.

To get rid of blackheads and  pimples

Brush a piece of thick melon, add a tablespoon of fresh milk and a teaspoon of flour. Put all these ingredients in the blender to get a soft paste.
Put this mask on your face for 20 minutes to get good results.

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