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vendredi 8 juin 2018

Indian Beauty Secrets

                                    Indian Beauty Secrets

Indian Beauty Secrets
                                                       aishwarya rai age: 44 years   

  • Introduction to Indian Beauty

Indian women have a special beauty, which many people find attractive and charming in particular. What distinguishes women in India is their self-reliance in the preparation of special aesthetic recipes, since their special rituals are inherited from nature and have a great influence on it .

Indian Beauty SecretsIndian women have basic caveats can not be broken or approaching them are inherited, and the following are some of these caveats.
  • Cautions Indian women can not get close to them
Lipstick is a diuretic, starting with beautiful results that give a beautiful look to the lips, but with time it turns black lips.

Industrial hair pigments, especially in the case of continuous repetition, cause rapid appearance of white or gray hair, should not be used in the presence of natural alternatives.

The use of industrial lotions in the treatment of skin problems, causes its pyramid early, and there are natural alternatives give the same results, and although it may need longer processing time, but it is safe and has no side effects.
  • Famous aesthetic recipes in India
Deep massage of the scalp with coconut oil                                                                       

Coconut oil is one of the most important aesthetic recipes for Indian women. It is never used and used at least 3 times a week. Women heat coconut oil until it is a warm liquid. Pure oil can be hard at room temperature. , Then massage the scalp well until the oil reaches each cell in it, then put a towel on the head and leave all night and then wash the hair in the morning, coconut oil is treating all the negative effects of the conditions surrounding the hair such as drought and heat or even industrial shampoo, contains Coconut oil on lauric acid, which prevents hair loss, and is used as a drink In India, virgin olive oil is the same way.
  • face mask
For a beautiful skin, fresh and free from blemishes and pimples, resistant to signs of aging, women in India use an aesthetic recipe of 1 suspended turmeric, 1 suspended of dry coriander, 1 suspended from sandalwood powder, and 5 tablespoons of green chickpeas, Yoghurt and lemon, kneading with a few drops of water and put on the skin for ten minutes, and rubbing the face, and then wash with water, this mixture has amazing properties, turmeric and coriander fights blackheads and blackheads, and sandalwood secure the view of a bright face, As well as the rest of the components of the mixture, which have characteristics useful to the skin.
  • Anti-dandruff with vinegar
In India, women fight the cortex in the head by adding a glass of vinegar to the water used in the final rinsing of the hair after washing, a very simple recipe, but it is effective and sufficient to avoid this problem.
  • Castor oil is a basic cosmetic
Women use castor oil in different ways in the process of cosmetic, using it like other oils on hair, prevents the appearance of white hair, and white hair is not a problem in women in India, they easily exceed through the repeated use of castor oil, but on the skin it prevents wrinkles and problems Increase the age of the skin, and add a little to a glass of water and drink every month or two for once, which helps clean the body and intestine, and reflected on the freshness and beauty in a positive way.
  • The Secret of Indian Hair Beauty                        priyanka chopra 35 years 
Indian Beauty SecretsMany Indian Hollywood stars, with rich silky hair and lasting luster, always wonder why they are using the many natural recipes that do not contain chemicals. Indian hair begins with the secret of the
food they rely on. , And they use it on a daily basis, and use some natural mixtures of hair as a permanent system to get fine and wonderful hair, such as coconut, chili, fish, and oil, Dabar Amla Indian, and natural oils.
  • The beauty of Indians
Indian women know their beauty, their perfect skin, and their silk hair. They always prefer to use natural elements in the beauty routine, such as herbs, oils, and other daily skin and hair care    routines.                                                             
  • Indian recipes for turmeric skin
One of the indispensable spices in the skin care blends in Indian cuisine is turmeric, it works to get rid of fine lines, wrinkles and works to lighten the skin and filter and soften.
  • Indian Facial Whitening Mask 
One of the most effective Indian mixtures to whiten the skin is the use of turmeric with rose water, applied to the skin, and they also mix oats with yogurt, honey, rose water and turmeric ground, this mixture also used by Indians, and her Very effective in whitening and lightening the skin.
  • How to make Indian turmeric paste
Indians have many amazing recipes for hair and skin, and turmeric paste is used in traditional Indian wedding rituals. The bride undergoes cosmetic treatments with turmeric paste, applied to the body and skin before the wedding, to give the skin a golden glow. Peel is effective, and this dough is prepared by mixing turmeric with water, and sometimes add some ingredients on the dough such as honey and lemon.
  • Indian recipes for oily skin
One of the recipes used by Indians for oily skin is the recipe honey and yogurt, where mixing honey and milk, and apply the mixture on the face, this recipe helps to get rid of oils produced by the skin.

7 skin scrub mistakes that lead the skin

                         7 skin scrub mistakes that lead the skin 

7 skin scrub mistakes that lead the skin

Facial peeling is one of the most necessary steps in the skin care routine. It removes the impurities and all the problems it faces and gives it a special glow by thoroughly cleansing it.
To get a bright complexion, it is necessary to stay away from some mistakes that are made while peeling face, which we list most prominent in this subject
  • Peel on dry skin
Peeling without moisturizing the skin with water will cause it to be scratched and redened after finishing, so moisturize the skin first with lukewarm water and then use the peeling gently in the form of circular movements.
  • Do not moisturize the face as it should
Moisturizing the face deeply cleanses the surface of the skin and eliminates the layer of natural oils, so drying and moisturizing should not be neglected to protect the skin from dehydration and inflammation.
  • Excessive facial peeling
Peeling helps remove dead skin layers and impurities, but over-doing it daily harms the skin and makes it more sensitive to the various external factors and causes skin ulcers to appear and damage them. Therefore, it is sufficient to do facial peeling twice a week.
  • Peel the skin violently
This can damage the skin and expose it to inflammation. Some ingredients in skin scrubs may be strong enough to negatively affect skin health.
  • Use peeled with a strong composition
One of the most common mistakes that are usually made; hence, the desired peeler must be chosen carefully because some types of peels are harsh on the skin.
  • Use cold water or hot water
When peeling or cleansing the skin, it is recommended to use lukewarm water so that the skin is not exposed to dryness and inflammation, and avoid cold or hot water.
  • Exposure to sunlight
Exposure to the sun is one of the most common mistakes that occur, as peeling the face during the day and then exposure to hot rays can damage the skin because they are very sensitive after peeling.

These 7 errors need to be avoided as much as possible, with a specialist being consulted and avoiding facial peeling anywhere without confirming the materials used in the procedure.

be pretty without makeup

                                  be pretty without makeup

be pretty without makeup

Giving up makeup often is a difficult thing you can not achieve, but of course you are looking for the best ways to implement it. In this context, my health site reveals to you today the most important secrets of natural beauty without makeup, perhaps it helps you shine naturally.

Tips to highlight your beauty naturally :

  • Diet is one of the best and most effective ways to get natural beauty. You have to adjust your diet to provide you with food balance, vitamins and basic nutrients for natural beauty.
  • In addition to drinking plenty of water is essential to give your skin the wonderful view that you can benefit from the enjoyment of natural beauty without the need for makeup.
  • The use of natural masks that help get rid of the skin problems that affect the skin is one of the best ways to obtain natural beauty, and used a lot of natural materials and vegetables and fruits that contribute to the improvement of the skin and moisturize and give them the vitamins necessary to see and shine.
  • Also, if you want to get rid of skin problems and enjoy a clear and natural look, just provide the protection you need, especially from the sun, which is the biggest enemy of the skin, where it can affect them in different negative ways, including drought, pigmentation and black spots. So use sunscreen every time you go out of the house to provide the necessary protection for your skin.
  •  Also for a charming natural view, you should focus on the hairstyle that suits your appearance. Make sure that the hairstyle that suits your face is in place. You can choose the color that suits your skin color. This makes your look more beautiful without the need for makeup. .
  • Physical comfort greatly affects your appearance, and this can increase your natural beauty, all you have to do is to grow from 6 to 8 hours at night to get adequate rest of the body, which reflects positively to your appearance, especially in the elimination of dark circles .

11 Benefit for Yoga Sport

                                                     11 Benefit for Yoga Sport

11 Benefit for Yoga Sport

11 Benefit for Yoga Sport

When I think of yoga, I imagine a quiet room with scented candles, a mat on the floor, women sitting with square legs and closed eyes! I used to think that yoga sports depended entirely on meditation, relaxation and mind filtering. It's time for the truth that I did not know until I went myself to a yoga session, they are much more than this. In addition to meditation, yoga is a complete exercise that gives you the opportunity to sweat. The sport of yoga has many physical and psychological benefits, depending on the types of yoga you choose. Here are the benefits of yoga in these lines.

1 - Benefits of yoga for weight loss and weight loss: There are types of yoga exercises that help you lose weight and act as exercises to stimulate the heart, such as Power Yoga.

2 - Yoga training helps to get rid of stress and help you feel more relaxed.

3 - If you feel that your body a little rigid, Yoga helps to increase the flexibility of the body especially the back and shoulders.

4 - You will not find yourself sitting on the chair and your back on the back, Yoga improves the way you sit and your overall body and it reduces back pain.

5. It has been scientifically proven that one of the most important benefits of yoga is to reduce depression.

6. Since yoga improves your mood and stress, it helps you sleep better.

7. Yoga gives you great energy. At the end of the day when you feel you've consumed all your energy, a quick yoga session will help you replenish your energy and feel refreshed.

8. Yoga can also improve your body's internal condition. It activates organs and circulatory system, helping your body get rid of toxins.

9 - Yoga work to tighten the whole body and muscles.

10 - When you want to practice yoga, expect to stand on one foot as you see in the movies, this situation gives you great strength and you will feel that your body has become more balanced.

11. Yoga Sport also teaches you the art of meditation, which in turn helps you get rid of stress and insomnia.

get rid of cellulite

                                       get rid of cellulite

get rid of cellulite

 Is there a relationship between coffee powder and how to get rid of cellulite that most women experience? If the answer is no, here is the new information about cellulite treatment. Scientific studies have shown that when the coffee powder is placed on the skin, it works to tighten the sagging and activate the blood circulation below the skin and give the skin a smooth and tight appearance and in a healthy sense is a treatment for cellulite. This is because coffee contains caffeine, which stimulates the blood to circulate in the infected areas and rid them of harmful toxins and redistribute fat in a level and thus eliminate cellulite altogether.

What is cellulite?

For those who do not know cellulite specifically, it is a fatty mass accumulated under the skin that makes the surface of the skin appear sluggish and uneven and appear in the areas of buttocks and back. Some of the causes of cellulite include aging, Do not take care of the skin, and Stop exercising. To find out if you have this problem, test your skin in the following way:
 Press your fingers slightly on the skin in the groin area. If your skin looks like a little orange peel, it means that you have cellulite.

Cellulite treatment :

For the treatment of cellulite, you should exercise along with the use of coffee scrap on the affected areas to tighten the skin and give it a silky touch. You can prepare your body coffee scrap yourself at home. To work coffee scraper,

Ingredients :

  •  1/2 cup of ground coffee
  •  Tablespoon olive oil or baby oil

get rid of cellulite Mix well until a suitable paste is formed. Spread the mixture on the affected areas with cellulite and massage well with the fingers of the hands in continuous circular movements for 10 minutes, and when the skin starts to reddish slightly, expect to get the desired result. After finishing, wash your skin thoroughly and apply it with a moisturizing cream. Repeat twice a week and you will notice that the cellulite marks disappear after at least one month.

get rid of nail yellowing

                                  get rid of  nail yellowing

get rid of  nail yellowing

The yellowing of the nails is due to several factors, including excessive use of nail polish, where pigment accumulates colors on the nails difficult to remove, as well as lack of proper nutrition and frequent smoking. In all cases, you can get rid of nails yellowing and bleaching with some simple and healthy recipes
get rid of  nail yellowing

 1 Drain your nails in a bowl filled with lukewarm water with a little vinegar or lemon juice for 10 minutes or until you notice the disappearance of color completely. You can also rub your nails with a slice of lemon daily to get more effective results for nail whitening.

 2  If the yellowing does not disappear with the help of the first recipe, you can make a paste consisting of a mixture of sodium bicarbonate and lemon juice as it will be more effective in nail whitening. Mix two tablespoons of baking soda with a teaspoon of lemon juice until a compact paste is formed. Wrap each piece with a piece of dough and leave it on the nail for minutes and then remove it. Bicarbonate sodium is known for its whitening elements of the skin and nails.

3  Before applying the nail polish, apply a layer of strong or transparent nail polish to prevent dark colors from reaching and coloring the nail.

4  Finally to avoid nail yellowing again, avoid placing nail polish on a daily basis, especially for darker colors such as black and red. Also stop smoking as it is one of the main causes of nail weakness and yellowing. It is also recommended to drink large amounts of water in at least 6 cups daily.

jeudi 7 juin 2018

how to get the soft hair

                                                  how to get the soft hair  

how to get the soft hair

Have you started to feel that your hair is dry and you need necessary steps to moisten your hair and keep it soft ? Follow some of the necessary tips to ensure the smoothness and moisturizing of the hair and renew its vitality to avoid damage and break, especially before the summer.

Use the appropriate shampoo

One of the basic steps to get dry and dry hair is to use shampoo for dry hair. It is necessary to avoid washing the hair daily and put the product on the scalp only without passing on the hair and limbs.

Application of hair balm

It is essential to apply a hair balm rich in active ingredients that help maintain the internal moisturizing of the hair. Look for moisturizing ingredients containing coconut oil, butter and balsam on the hair just away from the scalp for moisturizing dry scalp.

Hair Serum

Hair Serum works to effectively hydrate all types of hair. It is necessary to put this product on the scalp to soften the hair dry and wrinkle and control the health and vitality

          👉  Moroccan recipes to grow hair fast

 Here are the best natural masks that works to moisturize the hair and renew its vitality to maintain a bright view of your hair : 
  • Egg and olive oil

Choose egg yolks without whiteness Because yolks contain many proteins that help moisturize hair and make it more lively, and add two tablespoons of olive oil until the mixture is smooth. Apply it to your entire hair when it is wet from the roots to the sides, and gently massage the chisel to allow this catcher to penetrate the bulb completely for about 20 minutes before washing with cold water and shampoo capable of removing the mixture from your hair.

  • Avocado oil mask with milk

If you want to remove the dryness from the scattered claws and tart especially at the sides, mix two tablespoons of avocado oil with a tablespoon of milk and put this mixture on the edges of the hair clean for about 20 minutes with pressure on the veins to ensure penetration of the components inside the capillaries. Apply this mixture once a week to take full advantage of the benefits of avocado oil and to activate dry hair moisturizing.

  • Olive oil mask with yogurt

To maintain the softness of the hair moisturizing and not allow the ends of the hair to be damaged or dry, put two tablespoons of olive oil with a cup of yogurt and mix well before massage the scalp and full hair in this mixture. You will notice its distinctive benefits on both the scalp and the extremities.

          👉 Honey recipe for lightening hair

mercredi 6 juin 2018

Remove the acne from the face

Remove the acne from the face 

Remove the acne  from the face

Acne  in the face :

 The appearance of the acne on the face is a condition affecting the sebaceous glands in the skin, where the skin contains small pores related to these pores of fatty glands under the skin. The pores of these glands are connected by a channel called follicles. Pores carry subcutaneous oils to the dead skin cells on the surface of the skin. Thin hair also grows through these follicles and exits into the skin. When the ducts of the glands are blocked, pimples grow. These pimples appear on the face, neck, back, chest and shoulders. The appearance of acne is not a serious health condition,

The causes of acne  :

 emergence Stress can be the main cause of the emergence of acne in some cases. A variety of factors lead to the emergence of acne , but the main reason is believed to be high levels of hormone androgen, and high levels of adolescence in women, it turns to estrogen. High levels of androgen cause the growth of sebaceous glands under the skin. The vast gland produces more fat, and excess fat can break cellular walls in the pores, causing bacterial growth, and some studies suggest that
genetic factors may increase risk.

 Other reasons include:
  •  Some drugs contain androgen and lithium.
  •  Greasy cosmetics
  •  Hormonal changes.
  •  Psychological stress.
Remove the acne from the face : 
  •  Green tea : contains antimicrobials and antioxidants that can help fight pills. For results, use a cold cup of green tea as a facial wash or put tea bags on the affected area.
  •  Honey : has its properties that it is an antibiotic where it can help improve the acne that appear on the face. A teaspoon of honey can be placed on the affected areas.
  • Mint : can help remove the pores. To help remove the acne before they start, mix two large tablespoons of chopped fresh mint with two tablespoons of plain yoghurt and oatmeal, and apply to the face.
  •  Chamomile : helps reduce inflammation of the acne . Using a bag of chamomile tea and apply it to the places where the acne appear.
  •  Acidic foods :  such as citrus juice or vinegar can help close the pores. Put a little vinegar on the cotton to help treat the acne and apply it to the affected areas
Natural masks :  

Remove the acne from the face

Before applying these masks, be sure that the skin is completely clean and the pores are open. The best way to do this is to shower or use steam to clean open pores with these steps:

   Boil water in a bowl.

Remove the acne  from the face

 Transfer the water to a large bowl and let it cool for 1-2 minutes. When the water is not hot, put the face over the pot and cover the head and the container with a towel for 5-10 minutes.

 Green tea mask, honey, lemon, sugar

  •  1 tablespoon of green tea
  •  1 tablespoon of raw honey.
  •  1 teaspoon of lemon juice.
  •  3 teaspoons of sugar (preferably brown).

 Mix all ingredients and apply to your face except eyes, mouth and eyebrows. Rub the mixture on the face for 1-2 minutes in a slow and circular motion. Leave on the face for 10-15 minutes, then rinse with warm water, use a towel to remove the raised mask.

Papaya paste, honey, lemon, coconut / olive oil

  •  1 tablespoons of fresh mashed papaya.
  •  1 teaspoon of raw honey.
  •  1 teaspoon of lemon juice.
  •  1teaspoon of coconut oil or olive oil.

 Mix all ingredients and put the catcher on the face - except the eyes, mouth and eyebrows. Leave on the face for 10-15 minutes, then rinse the face with warm water, and use a towel to remove the remnants of the mask on the face.

Honey and aloe vera

  •   3 teaspoons of raw honey.
  •   Spoon of jelly in the fresh cactus plant or 2 teaspoons of cactus juice.

Mix all ingredients and apply mask on face - except eyes, mouth and eyebrows. Rub the mixture on the face for 1 minute with a slow, circular motion. Leave for 10 minutes. This mask is good for removing blackheads,

Turmeric, milk and honey mask

  •  Teaspoon of turmeric.
  • 3 teaspoons of  milk or yogurt.
  • 1 teaspoon of  honey.

Mix all ingredients and put on the face - except the eyes, mouth and eyebrows, then using the makeup brush or a piece of cotton apply putty and avoid the use of fingers, and leave the mask on the face for 10-15 minutes. Then rinse the face well, if there is a yellow color remaining of the catcher, You can remove it by vinegar diluted with water.

 Apple vinegar, honey and baking soda

  •  1 teaspoon of organic apple cider vinegar.
  •  2  teaspoons of raw honey.
  •  1 teaspoon of baking soda.

 Mix all ingredients and put the catcher on your face - except for the eyes, mouth and eyebrows, leave this mask on the face for 10-15 minutes, then rinse the face with warm water then use a towel to remove the effects of the mask.

 Ways to prevent the appearance of acne  in the face
  •  The face should be washed twice daily.
  •  Use a moisturizer after washing the face so that the skin does not become dry.
  •  Avoid touching the face when acne appear so bacteria do not move from the hands to the face.
  • Use peeling masks and face masks once a week.
  •  Avoid excessive use of cosmetics on the skin.
  • Protect your skin from the sun, using the right sunscreen for your skin.
  • Eating well where you should stay away from oils, fatty foods.
  • Drink plenty of water as drinking water has many benefits for the skin and overall health of the body

lundi 4 juin 2018

Taking care of the body get ready for the summer

Taking care of the body get ready for the summer

Taking care of the body get ready for the summer

To get a real beauty you have to take several steps, most notably skin care, body or face, body care is overlooked by many women, although it is no less important than skin care or hair, so many women find problems before the summer, Because of the dryness of its internal skin and lack of interest in good moisturizing in the winter.

Many women try to put on moisturizing creams before the summer, especially in the arms and feet, to hide what the drought did, but it does not give the desired result quickly because moisturizing creams are given moisturizing time, but few help solve the problem.

Taking care of the body get ready for the summer

In the field of natural recipes there are many solutions that can be used to take care of the body and get an internal moisturizing of the skin, through the masks and scraps containing oils and natural materials without the need to add any of the cosmetics.

The most prominent natural recipes for body care:

 Green Tea and Ginger:

  • Half cup of coconut oil
  • 2 tablespoons of green tea
  • Half a cup of coffee
  • 2 tablespoons ground ginger
  • Proper amount of moisturizing cream

Taking care of the body get ready for the summer

How to prepare:

Mix the oil with the green tea and place in a small bowl on the fire for 30 minutes. Then remove them from the fire and let them cool for 20 minutes. Now mix the ingredients together, except for the cream. Put them in the special cubes to make the ice and let them freeze for 15 minutes. Massage the body while showering, use lukewarm water in the shower, and apply a creamy moisturizer to moisturize your skin after you have finished bathing.

Oatmeal and Honey Scrap:

  • 1 tablespoon of honey
  • 2 tablespoons of oatmeal
  • 1 tablespoon of salt
  • 1 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar
  • 1 Tablespoon coconut oil

Taking care of the body get ready for the summer

How to prepare:

Bring the mixture to your body, gently rub your skin with your fingertips and leave it for a few minutes on your skin. Finally, wash your body with water.

Simple Ways to Take Care of Teen Skin

                    Simple Ways to Take Care of Teen Skin

Simple Ways to Take Care of Teen Skin

Dear teen..
  • you have to know that your age determines the appropriate ways to take care of your skin, because it is the fastest mirror that reflects the effects of your age.
  • So if you are an adult skin, and still in adolescence, know the origins of caring for your skin, to shine and be the most beautiful girl among your friends
  • Wash your face three times a day, in a careful and consistent way, with soap suitable for your skin type and lukewarm water that is hotter than cold
  • At this age you do not have to think about the effect of hot water on your skin, because skin tightening is a long way off for you. During the washing process, massage your face with circular movements.
  • Concentrate on moisturizing creams after cleansing your face, especially those containing benzoyl peroxide, which reduces the secretion of the skin to the oils and thus relieves bacteria. It is necessary to ask a specialist to help you determine the nature of your skin
  • Keep your skin away from the harsh formulations that hurt your skin more than they do, and do not apply for peeling, unless your skin has problems with skin irritation, at the request of the specialist.
  • Do not forget the importance of sunscreen.
  • Now that you've got your skin, you can make the right make-up for your age, which will be based on the right base and ideal.
  • Do not irritate acne, do not try to scratch the pimples, to avoid causing scars, redness or swelling in your skin. If you do not like to put medicines on their skin, use cotton moistened with rose water and starch to moisten your skin and get rid of these annoying pimples.

lighten skin for men

Lightening skin for men 

 lighten skin for men

Men's Skin Care

Skin care is not exclusive to women, men also need to care for their skin, especially with the growing awareness of self-care in recent times, as care is no longer limited to several shaving, and will mention this article ways to lighten the skin

Ways to lighten the skin for men

 lighten skin for men

There are creams that open the skin in a short time, but to get a healthy, flawless skin and an opening; prefer to follow the natural methods, although it requires patience, but it removes the sunburn, pigmentation, and defects that appear on the skin by tension And other factors, include
➧ cucumber 

  The cucumber  opens the skin, connects the collagen, softens the skin, and can apply the cucumber  slices on the skin for several minutes, then rinse with water, or follow another method, the method is:

  • Cucumber.
  • honey.
How to prepare:
  • At first grated the cucumber 
  •  then mix the grated cucumber with enough honey
  •  Apply mask to face and neck.
  •  Leave on skin for 15 minutes. Rinse the skin. Repeat the recipe twice a day, until desired   results are obtained.
➧ Oats and tomato juice

This recipe exfoliates skin, which stimulates the growth of new and healthy cells, thus lightening the skin,

  Ingredients :
  •  oatmeal.
  • Tomato juice
. How to prepare:
  •   Mix oatmeal and tomato juice, to get a cohesive mixture textures
  • . Apply the mixture to the face.
  •   Leaves for 15-20 minutes.
  •   Wash face with rubbing gently when cleaning with water; to remove dead cells. Repeat the recipe daily.
➧ Aloe vera gel 

Aloe vera gel; Opens dark spots, relieves hyperpigmentation, regenerates cells, rebuilds damaged tissue, improves skin,

  • Aloe vera leaf.
How to prepare:
  •   The gel is extracted from the cactus leaf.
  •   Apply the gel to the skin.
  •   Leave for half an hour.
  •   Wash the skin with water. Repeat the recipe at least twice daily, for two weeks.
➧ Turmeric and lemon juice

Turmeric Home remedy opens the skin, removes pigments, blemishes, and is used to get a healthy, beautiful, clean and young skin,

  •  Teaspoon ground turmeric.
  •  3 teaspoons fresh lemon juice.
 How to prepare:
  • Mix turmeric and lemon juice.
  •  Apply the mixture to the skin.
  •  Leave for 15 minutes.
  • The mixture can be diluted with a small amount of water if the skin is sensitive.
Note: Pay attention to staining clothing with a mixture.

balanaced Diet
 lighten skin for men

 Appropriate balanced diet opens the skin, by adding some foods,
  •  Eat vegetables 3-5 times a week at least
  •  Eat tomatoes; it contains lycopene that fights acne, removes stains, protects against UV rays, 
  • Eat dark berries  It contains antioxidants and vitamin C, which eliminates acne, skin blemishes, caused by oxidative stress, prevents inflammation, and makes skin healthy, by eating strawberries, raspberries, cranberries, and cherries.
  • Eat fish  seafood or fish oil supplements; because they contain omega-3 fatty acids, which prevents aging in the skin, fights acne, and gets healthy skin.
  • Eat almonds, because it is rich in vitamin E, which maintains the moisture and health of the skin
  •  Eat bananas , rich in vitamins A, B, E; to get healthy skin
  •  Eat yogurt; it contains probiotics, which support the health of the digestive system, and thus get fresh skin. Drink citrus juice; to enhance the appearance and health of the skin
  • Drink milk; it contains essential vitamins for the skin.

 lighten skin for men

  • Exercise; it plays an important role in getting healthy and bright skin

 lighten skin for men
  • Drink 6-8 glasses of water to maintain the moisture and health of the skin, and can keep a bottle of water; to facilitate drinking, or add lemon or fruit, to those who do not like the taste of water

dimanche 3 juin 2018

Moroccan recipes to grow hair fast

Moroccan recipes to grow hair fast

Moroccan recipes to grow hair fast

  The long hair is a sign of the beauty of women, which helps to highlight the beauty and attractiveness, but sometimes it is exposed to many of the problems that affect it such as bombing, falling, and the emergence of the crust and others, and to solve this problem there are many ways to help prolong hair, Natural, containing safe substances, and in this article we will mention how to use them.

Moroccan recipes to prolong hair  :

➽ Eggs and honey 

  Ingredients :

  •  egg.
  • 2 tablespoons finely chopped basil
  •  Half a tablespoon of natural honey.

Method of preparation: 

  • Mix eggs, basil, and honey in a pot to get a homogeneous mixture.
  •  Apply the mixture to the hair, cover it with a plastic cap, and leave it for no more than a quarter of an hour. 
  • Wash hair with water and shampoo. 

➽ Mayonnaise and honey : 


  • 2  tablespoons of olive oil and mayonnaise. 
  • Half a tablespoon of: yoghurt, natural honey.
  •  egg. 
  Method of Preparation:
  • Mix olive oil, mayonnaise, yoghurt, honey, and egg in a bowl.
  •  Apply the mixture to the hair, cover it with a plastic cap, and leave it for at least 90 minutes.
  •  Wash hair with water and shampoo, to get rid of the smell of eggs.

➽Fenugrec and henna


  •  4 tablespoons of fresh fenugreek seeds.
  • 100 g  of henna.
  •  Two cups of water

  Method of preparation :

  •   Put the water in a pot on the fire, then add the seeds of the ring to it and leave it until boiling. Remove the mixture from the fire, drain it from the water, then add the henna to it and stir to get a homogeneous mixture.
  • Apply the mixture to the hair, then distribute it from root to tip, then cover it with a plastic cap, and leave it for no more than four hours.
  •  Wash hair with soap and water to get rid of the effects of henna, and then apply moisturizing cream on it. Repeat the recipe once a week.

➽ Henna and honey : 


  • 200 g  of henna powder.
  •  cup of hot tea dipped.
  • 100 grams of honey.
  •  egg.

Method of preparation 

  • Mix the egg, tea, honey, and henna into the pot to get a homogeneous mixture. 
  • Apply the mixture to the hair, massage it from root to tip, then cover it with a plastic cap, and leave it for no more than ninety minutes. 
  • Wash hair with soap and water, preferably repeat the process at least twice a week.

➽ Olive oil and henna :

  • 10 Ten teaspoons of henna powder.
  • 4  tablespoons olive oil. 
  • Tablespoon of sesame oil. 
  •  egg.
 Method fo preparation : 
  • Place the olives, sesame oil, henna in a bowl and mix to get a homogeneous mixture. Add the egg and mix again to get a liquid mixture, then cover the mixture, leave it aside for an hour or until brewed.
  •  Apply the mixture to the hair, leave it for two hours or until completely dry.
  •  Wash the hair with water and shampoo, preferably repeat the process once a month.

Lengthening eyelashes in a week

                            Lengthening eyelashes in a week

Lengthening eyelashes in a week

Causes of Falling Eyelashes  : 

The area around the eyes is very sensitive, so it is more prone to damage than any other area of the face, and lashes take longer to grow, and there are many factors that play a role in the loss of eyelashes such as inheritance, and some medical reasons as an infection in the eye, , And not remove eye makeup, and rubbing, all of the causes leading to the fall of the eyelashes, but can overcome all these problems through the care of routine eyelashes and this through the use of simple home remedies to promote growth, and avoid causing any damage in the area surrounding the eyes

Lengthen eyelashes using natural oils : 

 The following are the most important natural ways to lengthen the eyelashes. It is important to note that it is not necessary to note the result within a week, but the continuation of these methods regularly gives the desired result, but varies from one woman to another:

  • Castor oil :

As it helps to lengthen eyelashes, as it fights microbes that prevent the growth of properly, and this is by following one of the following methods:

  • How to use : 

              - The first method :

Use a clean brush or a piece of cotton to apply castor oil to the eyelashes before going to sleep, it is recommended to add a few drops of vitamin E oil and leave it until the next morning, and then wash the face with warm water.

              - The second Method :

 Mix two large tablespoons of both castor oil and fresh aloe vera gel, and apply the mixture to the lashes before sleeping. Note Any of the above methods is repeated daily for a period of two to three months to obtain the best results.

  •  Olive oil : 
It is known as a natural remedy for the growth of hair and increase its thickness, so it can be used for eyelashes, this oil contains a high proportion of vitamin E, and oleic acid, which feeds the eyelashes and increases the length, and is used through the following method

  • How to use :
Immerse a clean or foot mascara brush with warm olive oil, apply it to the eyelashes before going to sleep, and then wash the face with warm water the next morning. Repeat the procedure daily for a few months to get the desired result.

  •  Coconut Oil 
Coconut oil contains anti-bacterial substances, along with essential nutrients for hair growth. To maximize its benefit, it is best combined with lavender oil, which removes the body from harmful free radicals and promotes hair growth.

  • how to use : 
 Mix half a teaspoon of coconut oil with two drops to four drops of lavender oil. Using a finger or a piece of cotton, wipe the eyelashes with this mixture from the roots to the ends of the eyelashes.

Tips to keep the eyelashes healthy and long : 

 Using the special eyelashes brush to comb the eyelashes, it helps to grow and save them from the dust and the lingering soil that blocks the pores and prevents the growth of properly, and this method promotes blood circulation and nourishes hair follicles in the lashes
  •  Put a little Vaseline on the eyelashes brush and distribute it before bedtime, as Vaseline stimulates hair growth and is a good alternative to vitamin E
  • . Put a few drops of vitamin E oil on the eyelashes brush and comb the lashes for five minutes so that the roots of the eyelashes are started up gently
  • . Massage eyelids area and area near the eyelashes to increase blood flow, thereby promoting the growth of eyelashes, is done by massage action once a day.
  • Supplements that promote the growth and strengthening of lashes, and these vitamins are B, E, D, as it protects the lashes from the damage caused by the use of mascara, especially if they are on a daily basis.
  • The need to remove the make-up from the eyes and effects, using a special remover for the eyes while avoiding the rubbing of the eyes to protect the eyelashes and the area around the eyes because it is one of the most sensitive areas in the face
  • Failure to use the lashes tool for a period of time or permanently, it weakens eyelashes and cause them to break, and this also applies to the use of mascara many. 

the fastest way to grow hair

                                         the fastest way to grow hair

the fastest way to grow hair

- Who does not want to get long hair ,But sometimes this task may be a little difficult, so we will review in this article the fastest way to prolong hair, in addition to some factors affecting the growth of hair.

The fastest way to grow hair There are many things you can do, which help you lengthen your hair quickly, including:

  •  Hair comb:  Comb comb hair with wide teeth so as not to cause hair, start combing the hair from the sides, then the top of the scalp.
  •  The egg mask :  helps to whiten hair and give it a glossy appearance because it contains a large amount of sulfur, minerals and essential vitamins for hair. Peel the whiteness of your hair to nourish it. You can mix yolk with olive oil and use it as a conditioner.
  •  Hair comfort: Beware to make your hair tight all day and night, but try changing the hairstyle that I used to relax one hair
  • . Balanced food: Take the following foods: liver, eggs, fish, yogurt, walnuts, cashews, nuts, almonds and soybeans.
  •  Bad habits: Avoid smoking, excessive tea, coffee, and carbonated water
Masks help to prolong hair 

  ⧪ Mask egg and olive oil : 

  •   One egg. 
  • 2 tablespoons of olive oil. 
  • Two tablespoons of coconut oil. 
  •  tablespoon of honey.
 How to prepare:

  Mix the ingredients well, put them on your hair for 15 minutes, then wash your hair thoroughly with water. In an additional step, you can add two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar to a liter of water, to get a brilliant luster and shine, and finally wash your hair with natural shampoo.

⧪Honey Mask  :

  •   Egg yolk. 
  •   tablespoon of natural honey.
  •   tablespoon of olive oil.
  How to prepare:

Mix well until mixed, then use mixture to massage your scalp and hair roots well. Then leave it for 30-40 minutes on your hair, then wash your hair well with cold water.

⧪ Almond Oil Mix : 

  •   Spoon of water.
  •  Spoon of almond oil.
  •  Spoon of yeast.
  •  Spoon of vitamin E.
  How to prepare:

  Mix well, then put on your hair, then wash well.

⧪Mayonnaise Mask :

  •  2 tablespoons castor oil.
  •  2 tablespoons of mayonnaise.
  •  Half a tablespoon of olive oil. 
  •  One egg yolk.
 How to prepare:

  Mix the ingredients well, then put them on your hair for about 5 hours until it becomes completely smooth, then rinse your hair with water well.

⧪Coconut Oil Mask :

  •   egg
  • . 2 tablespoons of olive oil. 
  •   2 tablespoons of coconut oil.
  •   1 tablespoon of honey.
 How to prepare:

Mix these ingredients well, then put them on your hair for 15 minutes, then rinse your hair well, and wash your hair with shampoo.

⧪Garlic oil mask : 

  • Spoon of garlic oil.  
  • Spoon of castor oil. 
  • Spoon of coconut oil.
  •  Spoon of almond oil.
  •  Spoon of cactus oil.
  How to prepare:

Mix the ingredients well until they mix, then apply the mixture to your hair for at least 15 minutes, then wash your hair well.

Factors affecting hair growth

  • Hair cutting:  Many believe that hair cutting helps to grow, but this talk has no basis of health; lack does not stimulate the growth of hair, does not change the nature, but affects only the outer part of the hair, which is the leg.
  •  Sex: In general, head hair is heavier in women, while body hair increases in men.
  •  Breed: The hair is sown by some races and races, and less by others.
  •  Hormones: There are some hormones increase the growth of hair head, and others increase the body hair, namely:
  • Thyroid hormone: The lack of this hormone leads to the lack of developing follicles.
  •  Hypothyroidism:  The increase of this hormone leads to hair loss, and increase in the hair of the body in general.
  •  Testosterone: Increasing it increases facial and head hair.
  • Massage: A light massage of the scalp stimulates blood circulation, and therefore hair follicles. Massive massage can damage hair follicles.
  •  Nutrition: Healthy nutrition is beneficial for the body, and for hair in general.
  •  Stress: Psychological stress negatively affects hair growth.
  • Medications: There are some drugs that increase the density of hair and others reduce it.
  •  Chronic diseases : Some chronic diseases weaken hair growth such as: heart disease.
  How to take care of your hair

  • Do not cut your hair frequently, give your hair a chance to increase its length, so you know the most suitable hair length, which fits your face.
  •  Test various different hairstyles, so Yemen looks forward to fashion magazines to see beautiful and varied hairstyles.
  • Buy some hair accessories such as hair ties, clamps, rivets, hair sticks, and a variety of shapes to tie your hair
  •  Wash your hair well with shampoo and use conditioner properly. The longer the hair, the longer it takes to take care of it.
  • Eat multiple types of vitamins under the supervision of a specialist, all healthy foods, and get enough sleep, all of which is very useful for your hair and your hair.
  •  Avoid using brushes When your hair is wet, use wide bristled teeth to avoid hair loss, and bumps.
  •  Take pictures of yourself every month while extending your hair. This may help you make a decision at a certain time about the length of hair that suits you.

Vitamin for the face to get rid of wrinkles

                            Vitamin for the face to get rid of wrinkles

Vitamin for the face to get rid of wrinkles

The multiplicity of vitamins and multiple benefits, and the need to increase with time to get rid of wrinkles and fight signs of aging, so you have to make your skin with vitamin for the face you need.
Here's the most important vitamin for the face

Vitamin for the face to get rid of wrinkles
Vitamin A:

Vitamin A stimulates the recovery of the skin. It is effective in combating cirrhosis, psoriasis, or acne, for example. It accelerates cell regeneration and reduces the appearance of early wrinkles. It is widely available in the liver of all wild animals, such as poultry, calf, and marine, where fish oils can be taken in the form of capsules.
Other sources of vitamin A are beta-carotene or propitamin A, which is converted into vitamin A. It is found in colorful fruits and vegetables, such as tomatoes, carrots, apricots and melons, as well as leafy vegetables such as spinach. It is recommended to eat a little olive oil with these vegetables, whether cooked or raw.

Vitamin for the face to get rid of wrinkles

Vitamin for face C:

Vitamin C is very important for the production of collagen, which gives the skin its shape and flexibility. It is part of antioxidant vitamins, such as prophitamin A, vitamin E and polyphenols. Vitamin C is abundant in fruits and vegetables, especially guava, red pepper, papaya, kiwi, orange, mango, strawberry, broccoli, Brussels cabbage, melon and pineapple. To get enough vitamin C, it is recommended to eat three cups a day of fresh vegetable juice and fruit. Vitamin C is always deficient in smokers, whose skin often tends to gray, showing early wrinkles on the upper lips. So, take care to eat fresh fruits and vegetables.

Vitamin for the face to get rid of wrinkles
Polyphenols : 

In addition to vitamins A, C and E, polyphenols, which have a strong anti-oxidant effect, should be used to slow skin aging. In particular are found in green tea, apples and red fruits: strawberries, blackberries, cherries, black currants and grape seeds (in the form of dietary supplements).

samedi 2 juin 2018

5 Morning Steps to Bright Skin

5 Morning Steps to Bright Skin

5 Morning Steps to Bright Skin

"the natural beauty " does not know anything about your life, Madam, but she knows full well that she should strive to be every glowing lady from the inside, bright-looking from the outside.

Because drinking the water in the required amount may not be achieved every day, and to take adequate rest every day may not be achieved if you are a student or working woman or even a housewife, it is here, "the natural beauty " help you through this enhanced cosmetic system But the five-step component is fast, all you need is to continue to get a simple shine that you deserve and want:

1. Begin cleaning your skin : 

5 Morning Steps to Bright Skin

To start your daily routine, you must cleanse your skin with a pH-Balanced skin lotion. This technology will cleanse your skin of dust and bacteria without removing it from the natural oils that nourish it.

2. Get rid of dead skin :

5 Morning Steps to Bright Skin
To get makeup free of impurities and blemishes, the first key will be peeling, you can use the glycolic acids and lactic or even lemon peel, passing on your skin after cleaning to get rid of the dead skin, do not worry these ingredients are nice on your skin and fit for daily use.

3. Select light materials to cover : 

5 Morning Steps to Bright Skin

Instead of hiding your skin under layers of liquid or creamy foundation cream or even powder, choose another product to highlight your skin, especially on spring days. Look for creamy creams such as BB or CC or even just a layer of Sunscreen.

4. Apply mascara and brown kohl for a younger look : 

5 Morning Steps to Bright Skin

Do not think that the eye shadow and the thick lining will give you a more beautiful appearance. These views may be suitable for occasions and weddings. Spring views need only two components, brown kohl and mascara.

Set your lashes with a light layer of mascara and then define the inner corners of your eyes with a touch of brown kohl. This look is more beautiful and attractive, and it will give you lots of vitality and youth.

5. Choose the spring colors for your lips :

5 Morning Steps to Bright Skin

This is the spring in its attractive colors, such as Kashmir, peach and orange, do not mind the use of these bright colors on a daily basis even in the morning, and if you are a lover of bright colors do not mind putting a light layer of gloss on your lips above lipstick.

Indian Beauty Secrets

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