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mercredi 30 mai 2018

5 Rules Girls with great skin

5 Rules Girls with great skin 

5 Rules Girls with great skin

we all know  that one girl who claims she never washes her face and just happens to wake up with perfectly dewy, not-a-pimple-in-sight skin. We want to hate girl .but perfect skin doesn't  just have to be a pipe dream : Here are seven rules girls with great skin never , ever break .

 Wear sunscreen daily : 

wear a minimum of SPF 30 every day-shoot for 50 if you'll be stepping outside - to prevent sun damage , skin cancer ,wrinkles , and sunbrun .. Remember to cover your face , décolletage , hands , and any exposed skin , and reapply every couple hours to be sure you're protected .


you know that glow you get after going for a run ? it does more than just burn calories : exercise delivers oxygen to our skin ,  says Lynda torrey , directoe of education at the Woodhouse Day spa .

never sleep in makeup : 

with makeup wipes and micellar water , taking off you makeup before you go to sleep should literally take seconds . Your skin likes routine , so it's easier to track why you're breaking out when you have a steady and consistent regimen

Exfoliate : 

in addition to a smoother appearance regular exfoliation allows  all skin-care product to absorb better and work more effciently , says beauty expert chirstina marrale

Eat the right foods : 

everyone knows gorging on junk food isn't doing your skin any favors. but if you're eating a consistent diet filled with fruit and vegetables , be sure you're not overdoing it on the sugar , which can trigger acne .Other foods to add to your diet : tomatoes , which are rich in vitamins A,B,C and lycopene , olive oil contains major antioxidants such as vitamins  A and E , which help restore skin elasticity , kale is the top of the list when it comes to beauty foods as it's full of antioxidants which can slow down the aging process . kale also conatins vitamin A , which is essntial for the health of your skin . 


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